
厉害了这个!好大的料!米尔寇无法强行进入别人的意志,但是他用骗的,灵魂欺诈师不得了了!先把自己的真正意识关闭(厉害了,这就是要骗人先骗过自己吧,自己主动先关闭邪念),然后以善良慷慨睿智帅气这些高尚的意识接近受害者,读取受害者的意识,培养友谊和感情和信任让受害者无法再拒绝他的意识(就是米尔寇的意识已经进入了,人都进来了你不能赶他走了),从被动变成主动地接受他的意识,这个时候可能他再开始在受害人意识当中不声不响地灌注邪恶黑暗,这时候他再有什么奇怪的想法奇怪的行为露出本性,受方都只能接纳了(被盲目的爱遮障双眼X)。只要跟米尔寇打交道过的或多或少都受到他影响,突然就很好理解了为什么Lost Tale里面的米尔寇在曼督斯蹲监狱的那几年把一群狱警拐跑了。这简直就是剖析了迈荣是如何被米尔寇带坏的哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。



引文资料主要来源于 The Ósanwe-kenta,  "Enquiry into the Communication of Thought"(1998)。

At the end of the Lammas Pengolodh discusses briefly direct thought transmission (sanwe-latya 'thought-opening'), making several assertions about it, which are evidently dependent upon theories and observations of the Eldar elsewhere treated at length by Elvish loremasters. They are concerned primarily with the Eldar and the Valar (including the lesser Maiar of the same order). 

来自贡多林的著名学霸Pengolodh(他也很八卦),他的研究内容不仅有语言、历史,还涉及了“神交”(direct thought transmission/'thought-opening')这样的哲学领域。其实这几方面是互相联系的,因为语言记录了历史,也是一项至关重要的交流工具。当然,他真实的身份是原作者托尔金教授的马甲之一。

Pengolodh says that all minds are equal in status, though they differ in capacity and strength. A mind by its nature perceives another mind directly. But it cannot perceive more than the existence of another mind (as something other than itself, though of the same order) except by the will of both parties. The degree of will, however, need not be the same in both parties....This distinction, he says, is of the greatest importance


“Openness” is the natural or simple state of a mind that is not otherwise engaged. In “Arda Unmarred” (that is, in ideal conditions free from evil) openness would be the normal stateNonetheless any mind may be closed. This requires an act of conscious will: Unwill....Nothing can penetrate the barrier of Unwill.       

“意识”是交流的核心。意识都是“平等”的,而且他们天然处于“打开”的状态;他们也可以主动关闭,可以只对特定对象的意识关闭,也可以处于完全对外“封闭”或“隐藏”状态。在打开时,意识能自然地感知到其他同样是打开的意识,但前提是双方都愿意让对方”发现“自己。而双方“愿意”的程度可以不同。(这是分组查看权限吗= =)比方说,设A和B两个意识都是打开的,A很希望从B那里知道些信息,即使B觉得“咱俩没那么熟吧”对A不是那么有兴趣,A一样能“感知”B,他们之间还是会产生“信息交流”,只要B是打开的。而在意识关闭时,就表示“不约”,咳,是“不愿意”被感知(骚扰)这种“不愿意”的屏障是谁都无法穿透的,即使是最强大的维拉曼威和米尔寇也一样,只有伊露维塔本尊是个例外。“No mind can, however, be closed against Eru, either against His inspection or against His message. ”


灵魂欺诈师米尔寇就是利用了这些原理来开展他的                OOC同人       事业。他虽然热衷于搞OOC发明新物种,但他的首要制胜法宝还不是这些也不是武力值,是高端大气的精神控制系的(蘑菇丝我真是太误会你了)。

”... his own mind was false and even if the door seemed open, there were doors of iron within closed for ever..."

... he would come by stealth to a mind open and unwary, hoping to learn some part of its thought before it closed, and still more to implant in it his own thought, to deceive it and win it to his friendship. His thought was ever the same, though varied to suit each case ... 

In this way he won entry into many minds, removing their unwill, and unlocking the door by the only key, though his key was counterfeit.

他先是把自己真正的意识完全关闭,再用各种手段把自己伪装得友善真诚/慷慨大方/妙语连珠/(省略其他魅力点)……这么一来,趁着精灵们对邪恶缺少防备或了解不深,在他们的意识关闭前(before it closed),米尔寇就已经从他们那里“读取”了很多他想知道的信息。他还会编造各种谎言和诱惑,骗取他们的友谊和信任,让其他minds不再“拒绝”他,化unwill为will,然后他又顺理成章地进入和“读取”了更多的minds,而他自己的却始终被各种谎言包裹着。那些上当的精/人/迈雅都不同程度地卷入了他的阴谋……蘑菇丝你干嘛自称King of the World呢,吐了吧唧的,叫Mind Hacker吧多时髦→_→


米尔寇他不但对语言感兴趣,而且他在这方面是真·大手——“in Valinor Melkor used the Quenya with such mastery that all the Eldar were amazed, for his use could not be bettered, scarce equalled even, by the poets and the loremasters”——看啦人家把话说得多漂亮=_=【Melkor the Master of Language】所以维拉们在精灵刚移民到阿门洲的时候就提醒过他们,曼威亲口说了“He(Melkor) has great skill in this matter. Beyond doubt he will master all tongues, even the fair speech of the Eldar. Therefore, if ever you should speak with him beware!”总之就是你们要警惕这个有着三寸不烂之舌的家伙(不要被他玩弄了感情)


Thus by deceit, by lies, by torment of the body and the spirit, by the threat of torment to others well loved, or by the sheer terror of his presence, Melkor ever sought to force the Incarnate that fell into his power, or came within his reach, to speak and to tell him all that he would know. But his own Lie begot an endless progeny of lies.

这当然不能归咎于那些被米尔寇欺骗的精灵(包括一些堕落的迈雅),但他对意识的控制和破坏是无形的,而且花样繁多无孔不入,几乎可以说只要跟他打交道,都难免会糟他(直接或间接地)荼毒。他总有办法掌握对手的(至少是部分)信息、计划、弱点,等等;即使无法直接读取对方的意识,还能威胁、拷问、折磨、恐吓……而他的对手们却始终陷在他的层出不穷的谎言里,也无法读取他的意识(依旧Eru除外)。所以,想靠武力neng死米尔寇是行不通的,this is hopeless. 最后也只有Eru的力量和他亲自下令,才能彻底击败米尔寇。“Therefore not until the last, and not then except by the express command of Eru and by His power, was Melkor thrown utterly down and deprived for ever of all power to do or to undo.”




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