lay of Leithian 读书笔记~

读《lay of leithian》突然觉得这一段有点可爱。。。当庆哥和美丽安都不同意露仙和贝伦之后,露露痛哭失声跑进森林“像一只被追逐的鹿一样”(这是跑得有多快);看见(一个人闷闷不乐的)戴隆静静地坐在山毛榉树下面,过去一把将他抱住痛哭起来(电视剧常见画面感)。“'O Daeron, Daeron, my tears,' 'now pity for our old days' sake!”露仙让戴隆为她作一首悲伤的歌,然而戴隆一开始不同意,一边说“音乐死了!没有音符了!”一遍比划着掐自己的脖子(赌气吗这是),然而依旧忍不住吹了一首悲伤的歌谣,悲伤得“万物都在他的哀歌中沉寂”(这不仅是露仙的悲伤也是他自己的悲伤嘛。。)。然后露露停止哭泣,才开始求他帮助自己~。。。(然而没想到啊这个人不会帮忙只会帮倒忙)。
though wild the words. She wept anew, 
and ran through the woods like hunted deer
with her hair streaming and eyes of fear. 
Daeron she found with ferny crown
silently sitting on beech-leaves brown. 
On the earth she cast her at his side. 
'O Daeron, Daeron, my tears,' she cried, 
'now pity for our old days' sake! 
Make me a music for heart's ache, 
for heart's despair, and for heart's dread, 
for light gone dark and laughter dead!' 

'But for music dead there is no note,' 
Daeron answered, and at his throat
his fingers clutched. Yet his pipe he took, 
and sadly trembling the music shook; 
and all things stayed while that piping went
wailing in the hollows, and there intent
they listened, their business and mirth, 
their hearts' gladness and the light of earth
forgotten; and bird-voices failed
while Daeron's flute in Doriath wailed. 
Lúthien wept not for very pain, 
and when he ceased she spoke again: 
'My friend, I have a need of friends,

(Page 64).

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